
In addition to climbing activities, There are other activities organised within the association. This is of course not only done by the board but also by many committees. These consist of active and enthusiastic members.

Briefly summarized, you can draw the following conclusion: Committee work is fascinating work. That is why participation in a committee can be a nice addition to your study and it doesn’t even have to take a lot of time. Certainly for the new members, this is the way to get to know the RSAC inside out.

Enthusiastic and do you see a role in a committee? Address one of the committee members or email the board and sign up!

The ActCie (activities committee)

The Activities Committee organizes various types of activities where climbing is not central. Do you have a nice idea for an activity that you would like to do with your fellow climbers? Then mail the committee via

Chair: Mercedes

Members: Shirley, Vera, Sebastian, Rosa

The KlimCo (climbing committee)

In the climbing committee you have the opportunity to organise all climbing related activities. Think of climbing weekends, boulder trainings, climbing competitions and trips to other climbing gyms. Together with the committee you can be as creative as you want. Take the opportunity to explore all corners of the sport (speed climbing, drytooling, everything is possible).

Chair: Sander
Members: IJsbrand, Silvi, Bas, Stefan, Kaj

The PartyCo (Party committee)

The ParyCo organises social drinks (borrel), parties and informal get togethers. This year they will also be responsible for organizing our lustrum.


The MarCo (design and promo committee)

In the MarCo you will design new RSAC shirts, update social media and make promo for activities. Are you interested in this committee? Send an e-mail to

Members: Sara, Jordy, Guus


This committe consists of all the instructors within the RSAC. They give the outdoor climbing courses to our members. Are you interested in becomming an instructor? Email

Members: Alexander Sternfeld, Jelle van Uffelen, Caroline Verkade, Henry Verhoef, Lianne Ijzerman, Emil Buursink, Christiaan Biesterbosch.
