The RSAC is (still) a small young association and climbing is an expensive sport if you want to practice it safely. That is why we are extremely grateful for donations and sponsorship. On this page you will find our sponsors and opportunities to help the RSAC yourself, even without spending any money!
With SponsorKliks you can make a financial contribution to RSAC yourself, without it costing you a penny!
Order a pizza online via Thuisbezorgd and RSAC receives money for this in the club fund. Large online stores such as Bol, Coolblue, Booking and Expedia are also participating. A percentage of the purchase amount goes to RSAC. And again, it won't cost you anything extra!
Score for your Club
Score for your Club with Dappre is a unique way to automatically save Euros all year round for our club and for yourself: for example for your membership contribution, gift cards from participating businesses and much more.
You can save very easily by making purchases at Score for your Club businesses. Businesses themselves decide with what amount or percentage of your spending you can save with them. Hundreds of businesses are already participating!
Of course you can also donate money or material to the RSAC. Material is especially needed, because we haven't had time to build up our material collection yet. We accept both hard climbing equipment (sets, carabiners, ice axes, crampons, ...), soft climbing equipment (rope, bivouac bags, ...), and camping equipment (tents, gas pits, tarps, ...). It may be that if the material is no longer suitable for its original purpose, we will reuse it in another way. For example, we cut old rope into pieces of a few meters, so that our students can practice knots at home or building an abseil.
If you want to donate material, you can contact the climbing commissioner via klim.commissaris@rsac.alpenclub.nl.
If you want to donate money, you can contact the treasurer via penningmeester@rsac.alpenclub.nl. You can donate money with a specific destination (for example, only for alpine equipment).
The RSAC would like to thank the following companies, non-profits and individuals for their donations:
- Erasmus Sport has been supporting the RSAC since it was founded. In particular, they took care of the establishment costs and helped us to buy our first equipment.
- Rotterdam Sportsupport has subsidized equipment and courses for our instructors.
- The Ottenfonds has subsidized safety equipment for alpine climbing.
- Monte Cervino has donated old ropes.