Awesome that you are interested in joining RSAC! We are happy to share our love for climbing, mountaineering and all other areas of mountaineering. Take a look at the rest of the website to learn more about our association. If you have any other questions, please send an email to, or come boulder with us at Monk!
Every thursday we go bouldering at Beest at 19:15. On mondays we go climbing at the Klimmuur Rotterdam at 19:15.
Members of the RSAC need to be in possession of an Erasmus sports pass. If you do not have one yet, we can arrange this for you. This leads to the following membership costs:
- Students that already have a Erasmus Sportpas: €30
- Students without an Erasmus sports pass: €65
With the €30 sports pass you are able to make use of the partnerdeals of Erasmus Sport. you can for example boulder 2 times for free. Once at Monk and once at Beest. not use the Erasmus sport facilities, like the fitness and the tennis courts. If you do make use of this, you must purchase a sports pass yourself. You can view the here .
Costs of RSAC activities will be charged separately.
De inschrijvingen zijn open t/m 30 september.